Ensuring staff of North Sea Port have the greenest options on their commute
06 May 2021
North Sea Port is committed to ensuring the greenest possible modal share. The port has invested heavily in shifting container transport off the road onto inland waterways (saving around 30 trucks for each inland vessel that carries 30 containers). Currently, over 50% of transport between the port and the hinterland is conducted via inland shipping.
As well as a similar commitment to stimulate train over road transport, North Sea Port has translated its green modal shift vision into its HR policy. The Port now stimulates cycling, offering employees the chance to get company bikes and giving benefits to those who choose to do so. Similarly, if staff have no other choice but to use cars, the Port has implemented a policy to stimulate car-pooling between its employees to ensure that each vehicle is being used as efficiently as possible. In this way, North Sea Port’s commitment to modal shift is clear and consistent across the entire company.
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