ESPO keeps going with the help of some “port brains”
22 May 2020
Since mid-March, the ESPO secretariat has been working from home in accordance with the confinement measures set out by the Belgian Government and had decided to issue a weekly newsletter called “ESPO keeps going” to keep in touch with its members. Since many were confined at home, they might have had more time for reading. Therefore, in each edition, ESPO had invited a port academic to write a column to reflect on a specific issue in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
We gave some exclusivity to our members but as this newsletter is now coming to an end, we are happy to share herewith the eight columns that have been issued.
We thank our port brains, Peter De Langen, Bart Kuipers, Theo Notteboom, Michaël Dooms, Thanos Pallis, Indra Vonck, Carola Hein and Guido Nassimbeni for sharing their thoughts with us and recommend you to read their interesting columns, which you can find below.