Port of Oostende: ISHY project (implementation of hybrid shipping)
19 May 2021
The Port of Oostende is the lead partner of a new project developed together with 15 different partners in the EU, France, the Netherlands and Flanders, including shipowners, shipyards, research institutions, energy producers and ports. The shipping industry is currently responsible for 3% of all greenhouse gases. Shipping industries and port authorities need to invest in decarbonisation and zero-emission technologies, which include biofuels, fuel cells and batteries, and hydrogen-based fuels. The ISHY project aims to support this objective of realising a full-scale use of zero-emission fuels in the maritime sector and to tackle the obstacles that currently exist to their use. More specifically, the ISHY project intends to achieve the following objectives: develop tools to implement and support the transition to hybrid and hydrogen technologies in vessels and ports; demonstrate the use and effectiveness of these technologies in new and retrofitted vessels; establish a hydrogen bunkering station at the Port of Oostende to show the feasibility of H2 bunkering facilities in ports; and increase the acceptance of low and zero-carbon technologies with high impact potential and cost-effectiveness in the longer term.
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