You will find below the presentations given at the ESPO Conference 2011, which took place in Limassol (Cyprus) on 5-6 May. Click on the name of the speaker to see the presentation.
Day One: Thursday, 5 May 2011
08h15 Special Interest Seminar on the Maritime Impact of Political Changes in the East Mediterranean
Chair: Dr. Thanos Pallis, University of the Aegean
Keynote speeches:
Bertus Hendriks, Senior Visiting Fellow, Clingendael - Netherlands Institute of International Relations
Rear Admiral Essam Eddin Badawy, Secretary General, Arab Sea Ports Federation
Dr. Khaled EL-Sakty, Lecturer, College of International Transport & Logistics, Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport: The Maritime Impact of Political Changes in the East Mediterranean
Yiorgos Anomeritis, President and CEO, Port of Piraeus
Dr. Bojan Hlaca, Executive Director, Port of Rijeka Authority
Yiannakis Kokkinos, General Manager, Cyprus Port Authority
Dov Frohlinger, COO, Israel Ports Company
José Campos, Secretary General, MedCruise
Dr. Khalid Bichou, Port Operations and Logistics Expert, MEDA-MoS II Programme
11h00 Official opening of the ESPO 2011 Conference
Victor Schoenmakers, Chairman, ESPO
Chrysis Prentzas, Chairman, Cyprus Port Authority
Dr. Erato Kozakou-Marcoullis, Minister of Communications and Works, Republic of Cyprus
11h30 Economic outlook for ports and shipping: a post-recession analysis
Dr. Jean-Paul Rodrigue, Hofstra University New York and Dr. Theo Notteboom,
Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp (ITMMA): Economic Outlook for Ports and Shipping:A Post-Recession (Really?) Analysis
John Terceck, Vice-President Commercial Development, Royal Caribbean International: Euro Cruise Port Overview 2011
Capt. Eugen Adami, President, Cyprus Shipping Chamber
Christakis P. Papavassiliou, President, Federation of National Associations of Ship Brokers and Agents
Discussion with speakers and audience
13h00 Lunch
14h00 Perspectives on port performance
Chair: John B Richardson, Special Adviser on Maritime Affairs, FIPRA International
Logistics perspective: Walter Van Mechelen, Business Development Director, Gosselin Group and Chairman, Alfaport Antwerp
Financial perspective: Dan Clague, Managing Director, Hawkpoint: European container ports: Financial performance
Societal perspective: Dr. Enrico Musso, Member of the Italian Parliament
Sustainability perspective: Dr. Marleen van de Kerkhof, Head Strategy & Research, Port of Amsterdam
15h15 Awarding of EcoPorts ‘PERS’ certificates
15h30 Tea
16h00 Towards a European ‘dashboard’ of port performance indicators
Interactive session with the audience on the interim results of the PPRISM project.
Introduced by the PPRISM project partners:
Patrick Verhoeven, Secretary General, ESPO
Dr. Peter de Langen, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Dr. Michael Dooms, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Dr. Theo Notteboom, ITMMA
Dr. Thanos Pallis, University of the Aegean
Dr. Chris Wooldridge, Cardiff University
17h15 How should well-performing ports be ‘branded’ ?
Stef Verbeeck, Senior Image Consultant, Verbeeck + Ujvari Image Consultants: Port Branding
17h45 End of the first conference day
20h00 Conference dinner
Delegates will enjoy renowned Cypriot hospitality and gastronomy against the unique backdrop of Limassol port. A truly unforgettable evening with Mediterranean port culture at its very best !
Day Two: Friday, 6 May 2011
08h15 Welcome coffee
08h45 Evaluation of the EU policy framework for ports: state of play and way forward
Introduction and chair: Fotis Karamitsos, Director Maritime Policy, DG Move, European Commission
National ports policy perspectives:
João Carvalho, President, Institute for Ports and Maritime Transport, Portugal: Portuguese Ports Policy
Ilse Hoet, Head of Ports Policy, Ministry of Mobility and Public Works, Flanders: National ports policy perspectives : Flanders
10h15 EU funding of seaports in new Member States: the role of the European Investment Bank
Michel Gaspard, Senior Transport Specialist, European Investment Bank: EIB/Jaspers Support to EU-funded Port projects in new EU Member States
Jose-Luis Alfaro, Projects Head of Division and Head of Procurement, European Investment Bank: The EIB Approach to Maritime Transport
10h30 European trends in port governance: presentation of the ESPO ‘Fact Finding Report’
Patrick Verhoeven, Secretary General, ESPO: The ESPO Fact-Finding Report
10h45 Coffee
11h15 How can EU policy stimulate effective and efficient governance of European ports ?
Panel discussion with:
Yiorgos Anomeritis, President and CEO, Port of Piraeus
Richard Everitt, Chief Executive, Port of London Authority
Ramón Gómez Ferrer, General Manager, Port of Valencia
Yiannakis Kokkinos, General Manager, Cyprus Port Authority
Bjarne Mathiesen, CEO, Port of Aarhus
Daan Schalck, CEO, Port of Ghent
Chair: Dirk Sterckx, Member of the European Parliament
12h30 Closing keynote address
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the European Commission / Commissioner for Transport
13h00 Closing of the ESPO 2011 Conference
Victor Schoenmakers, Chairman, ESPO
Ryszard Strzyzewicz, President Port of Gdansk, and Janusz Jarosínski, President Port of Gdynia, Hosts of the ESPO 2012 Conference
13h15 Closing lunch