ESPO Conference 2012

You will find below the presentations given at the ESPO Conference 2012, which took place in Sopot (Poland) on 10-11 May. Click on the name of the speaker to see the presentation. 

Day One: Thursday, 10 May 2012

08h30    Welcome coffee and registration

09h00    Official opening of the ESPO 2012 Conference

Victor Schoenmakers, Chairman, ESPO
Ryszard Strzyzewicz, President, Port of Gdansk Authority
Janusz Jarosinski, President, Port of Gdynia

09h15    Opening keynote speeches

Slawomir Nowak, Minister of Transport, Construction and Maritime Economy, Republic of Poland
Dariusz Filar, Member of the Supervisory Board of PZU S.A.: Macroeconomic Environment In Europe 2012: Differentiation and Tension 

10h00    Coffee

10h30    Trends affecting the investment appetite in the port sector - opportunities and risks

Introduction and chair: Dr Thierry Vanelslander, University of Antwerp: Trends affecting the investment appetite in the port sector:opportunities and risks

Clemence Cheng, Managing Director Central Europe, Hutchison Port Holdings
James Cooper, Director, Infracapital Partners LP: Financing Trends Affecting the Port Sector
Martin Poulsen, CEO Europe, APM Terminals: Trends affecting investment appetite in the port sector

12h15    Lunch

13h15    Parallel sessions

Session A: Public private partnerships and concessions  
Session B: Investment in ports – regional perspectives

Introduction and chair: Julian Skelnik, Marketing Director, Port of Gdansk Authority

Public private partnerships in ports: what are the main pitfalls and challenges ?

Dr Patrick Uyttendaele, Director, MTBS Consultants: Public Private Partnerships in Ports: Pitfalls and Challenges

Connecting investors with port infrastructure markets

John Verschelden, Advisor, Port Investor: Connecting investors with port infrastructure markets

Concessions – the new responsibility landscape for ports: an insurance perspective

Andrew Webster, Partner, JLT Specialty Limited (Energy and Marine Division): Concessions – a new responsibility Landscape

Case-study: application of the public private partnership model to the development of Croatian ports

Bojan Hlaca, Executive Director, Rijeka Port Authority                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

Introduction and chair: Bogdan Oldakowski, Secretary General, Baltic Ports Organisation

Investing in what kind of port? Industrial development and diversification of ports – Denmark as a case

Jakob Svane, Confederation of Danish Industry

Port financing and investment in the Mediterranean: the Italian experience with planning, project financing, and financial stakeholders consultation:

Francescalberto De Bari, Livorno Port Authority and University of Pisa: Ports in the Mediterranean region. Planning, project financing, and financial stakeholders consultation: the peculiarity of the Italian experience.

Developments of Russian ports

Maxim Shirokov, General Director, Ust-Luga Company: Development of Russian Baltic ports

The role of the European Investment Bank

Karine Méasson, Transport Engineer, Mobility Department Air & Maritime, European Investment Bank: EIB approach to Maritime Transport

14h45    Tea

15h15    Financial capabilities of port authorities

Introduction and chair: Prof Dr Hercules Haralambides, Erasmus University Rotterdam and President of Brindisi Port Authority and of Association of Apulian Ports

Molly Campbell, Deputy Executive Director, Port of Los Angeles
Francesco Nerli, President, Assoporti (Italian Ports Organisation)
Eamonn O’Reilly, Chief Executive, Dublin Port Company: Port Financing and Investment – a perspective from Dublin Port

16h30    Closing keynote speech day one

Michael Grey, Former Editor-in-Chief, Lloyd’s List

17h00    End of the first conference day       

18h15    Departure for concert at the Cathedral of Oliwa, followed by Conference Dinner at the former Gdansk Shipyard


Day Two: Friday, 11 May 2012

08h30    Welcome coffee

09h00    The European policy context

Chair and introduction: Dimitrios Theologitis, Head of Unit Ports and Inland Navigation, DG Move, European Commission: EU Ports Policy Review

Effectiveness of EU structural funds investments in port infrastructures

Luc T’Joen, Team leader, performance audits on Transport, European Court of Auditors

Life after PPRISM – towards a culture in measuring port performance

Dr Chris Wooldridge, Cardiff University

Presentation of the ESPO ‘Port Manifesto’

Patrick Verhoeven, Secretary General, ESPO: The Renaissance of Port Management and Policy: A Manifesto for Port Authorities, Governments and the European Union

Open debate

10h45    Coffee  

11h15    Roundtable discussion: The end of the landlord model? Economic pressure to privatise ports

 Moderator: Prof Dr Theo Notteboom, Institute of Transport and Maritime Management Antwerp (ITMMA)

Case studies:

Richard Bird, Executive Director, UK Major Ports Group: UK Port Privatisation
Dr Thanos Pallis, Secretary General Ports and Ports Policy, Greece: Privatisation of Greek Ports


Molly Campbell, Deputy Executive Director, Port of Los Angeles
Victor Schoenmakers, Director European and International Affairs, Port of Rotterdam
Peter Shaw, European Coordinator, International Dockers Council
Jean Jacques Moyson, Chief Commercial Officer, DCT Gdansk SA 

12h45    Closing keynote address

Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the European Commission, responsible for Transport

13h15    Closing of the ESPO 2012 Conference

Victor Schoenmakers, Chairman, ESPO

Host of the ESPO 2013 Conference

13h30    Closing lunch

14h30    Visit of the port of Gdynia or visit of the Port of Gdansk