You will find below the presentations given at the ESPO Conference 2013, which took place in Varna (Bulgaria) on 30-31 May. Click on the name of the speaker to see the presentation.
Day 1: Thursday 30 May 2013
08:00 Registration and welcome coffee
08:30 Special Interest Seminar: regional cooperation in the Black Sea and beyond
Opening and welcome
Diyan Dimov, Chairman, Black and Azov Sea Ports Association / Executive Director, Port of Burgas
Trends in Black Sea port development
Containers: Eero Vanaale, Consultant, Drewry: Black Sea Container Ports
Cruise: Mikhail Sokolov, First Deputy General Manager, Odessa Commercial Sea Port and Stoycho Dimov, Head of Marketing and European Integration, Port of Burgas
LNG bunkering: Emil Arolski, Project Manager ‘LNG in Baltic and Black Sea Ports’: LNG Bunkering - LNG in Baltic and Black Sea Ports
Are Black Sea ports ready to face the future ? Panel discussion with
Alexander Atanassov, Country & Sales Manager, Maersk Bulgaria Ltd
Carmen Costache, President, Union of Romanian Inland ports - Incinta Port Bazinul Nou
Sofia Neirynck, CEO, Porteco
Jean-Paul Siccard, Senior Supply Chain Manager Essential Chemicals, Solvay Eastern Europe / Balkans / Russia & CIS countries / Middle East & Egypt
Moderator: Steven Bouckaert, Senior Manager, MTBS
11:00 Coffee
11:15 Opening session ESPO Conference
Santiago Garcia-Milà, Chairman, ESPO
Vladimir Todorov, Chairman, Bulgarian Port Infrastructure Company
Opening keynote speeches
Kristian Krastev, Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Republic of Bulgaria
Kosta Bazitov, Regional Governor, Regional Administration Varna, Republic of Bulgaria
Economic outlook for Europe, shipping and ports
Sylviane Delcuve, Senior Economist, BNP Fortis Bank (Europe): World Economy Today
Prof Dr Theo Notteboom, University of Antwerp ITMMA (ports): Economic Outlook for Ports
Jolke Helbing, Associate Consulting Director, ICF GHK (shipping): Europe: Economic outlook and impact on Ports & Shipping
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Perspectives on co-operative synergies (parallel sessions)
Session A: Integration of ports in infrastructure corridors | Session B: Marketing and promotion of port regions | Session C: International strategies of port authorities |
Chair: Isabelle Ryckbost, Director, European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP) Introduction: Ports & TEN-T Corridors Cases: Greening Corridors Great Axis Rail Networks Motorways of the Sea | Chair: Dr Athanasios Pallis, Associated Professor, University of the Aegean - Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport Cases: Flanders Port Area Promoting cruise in the Mediterranean | Chair: Larissa van der Lugt, Senior Researcher Port Economics and Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam Cases: Port of Antwerp International Reflections and debate: |
15:30 Tea
16:00 Port development through regional cooperation: the CEO Perspective
Roundtable discussion with
Eddy Bruyninckx, CEO, Port of Antwerp
Stefano Bonaldo, Port of Venice
Ramón Gomez-Ferrer Boldova, General Manager, Port Authority of Valencia
Hervé Martel, CEO, Port of Le Havre
Moderator: Prof Dr Theo Notteboom, University of Antwerp ITMMA
17:00 Closing keynote speech
Markku Mylly, Executive Director, European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA): EMSA's role to enhance ports' and maritime economics
17:30 End of the first conference day
19:30 Departure for conference dinner at Kabakum Resort
Day 2: Friday, 31 May 2013
08:00 Welcome coffee
08:30 EU Ports Policy – setting the scene
Chair: Prof Dr Hercules Haralambides, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Port performance indicators
Patrick Verhoeven, Secretary General, ESPO: Port Performance dashboard 2013
Administrative simplification in ports
Alan Long, Chairman, EPCSA: European Port Community Systems Association
Port labour in Europe
Prof Dr Eric Van Hooydonk, Portius / University of Ghent: Port Labour in the EU
09.:30 EU Ports Policy - Keynote speech
Siim Kallas, Vice-President of the European Commission
10:00 Coffee
10:30 EU Ports Policy – presentation and evaluation of the new proposals
Interactive session with representatives of the European Commission, the European Parliament, Member States and EU stakeholder organisations.
Chair: Prof Dr Hercules Haralambides, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Philippe De Backer, Member of the European Parliament
Dimitrios Theologitis, Head of Unit Ports Policy, DG Move: The 2013 European Port Policy
Alfons Guinier, Secretary General, ECSA
Anthony Tetard, Coordinator, IDC-E
Patrick Verhoeven, Secretary General, ESPO
12:00 Closing of the ESPO 2013 Conference
Santiago Garcia-Milà, Chairman, ESPO
Magnus Kårestedt, CEO, Port of Gothenburg, Host of the ESPO 2014 Conference
12:15 Departure to Varna Passenger Terminal for Lunch
14:00 – 16:00 Visit to the Port of Varna