You will find below the presentations given at the ESPO Conference 2014, which took place in Gothenburg (Sweden) on 15-16 May. Click on the name of the speaker to see the presentation.
Day One: Thursday, 15 May 2014
09h00 Registration and welcome coffee
09h30 Opening Session
Santiago Garcia- Mila, Chairman, ESPO
Anneli Hulthén, Chairman of the Gothenburg Municipality Executive Board
Magnus Karestedt, CEO, Port of Gothenburg
Opening keynote speeches
Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, Greek Minister of Shipping, Maritime Affairs and the Aegean and President of the Transport Council of the European Union
Political Outlook for Europe: Adriaan Schout, Head of the European Studies Programme, Clingendael
Outlook for European ports: Prof Dr Theo Notteboom, President and Professor ITMMA, University of Antwerp, and President International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME)
10h30 Coffee Break
11h00 Ports Facing increasing Market Forces: a Race to the Bottom or a Boost for Competitiveness for Ports?
Moderator: Cecilia Carlsson, Corporate Communication Manager, Gothenburg Port Authority
Tim Power, Director, Head of Maritime Advisors, Drewry: consequences of upcoming alliances for ports, shippers and carriers
Chris Welsh, Secretary General of the Global Shippers' Forum: the shippers’ point of view
Marc Desmons, Engineering Services Manager, Terminal Investment Limited SA: consequences for the development and operation of container port terminals
Eung-hyuk Lee, International Affairs Manager, Busan Port Authority: Asian Perspective with a special focus on Northeast Asian Ports
The view of the ports:
Eddy Bruyninckx, CEO, Port of Antwerp
Giuliano Gallanti, President, Port Authority of Livorno
Julian Skelnik, Marketing Director, Port of Gdansk
Q & A
12h30 Lunch
13H30 Keynote speech
Olivier Onidi, Director European Mobility Network, European Commission, DG MOVE
14h00 External Factors that influence the Playing Field between European Ports
Moderator: Olaf Merk, Administrator Ports and Shipping, OECD
Felix H. Tschudi, Chairman and owner of the Tschudi Group: opening up of the Arctic route: state of play 2014
Manuel Benitez, Deputy Administrator, Panama Canal Authority: expansion of the Panama Canal: impact on European Ports
Steven Bouckaert, Senior Manager, Maritime Transport and Business Solutions: interaction between EU ports and ports in the European periphery: special focus on the recent developments in Russia
The view of the ports:
Rune Arnoy, CEO, Narvik Havn KFk
Airam Diaz Pastor, Commercial Manager, Ports of Tenerife
Alecos Michaelides, Chairman, Cyprus Ports Authority
David Appleton, Principle Advisor to Peel Ports for Container Shipping
Q & A
15h30 Coffee Break
16h00 Roundtables: the floor is yours !
Theme |
Roundtable Coordinator |
1 |
TEN-T: Funding opportunities under the current and future TEN-T/Connecting
Europe Facility calls: meet the different stakeholders on your corridor and
find your future partners. European added value? How to demonstrate that your project has plenty? |
Obst, TEN-T Information Desk, ESPO and Rémi
Mayet, Deputy Head of Unit Ports & Inland Navigation, European Commission
DG Move |
2 |
Motorways of the Sea: How to understand the maritime component of
the TEN-T network? - How could MOS implementation be improved under the new framework? - What will be the differences in practice compared to the old
guidelines? - Is the new policy a good basis for addressing the maritime transport
related challenges? |
Quintieri, Policy Advisor, ESPO |
3 |
Portopia: Supporting the European Port Industry with meaningful (performance)
data. - How can Portopia reinforce the culture of performance management in
the European port industry? - Is intelligent, relevant and anonymous benchmarking useful for the
port sector? - How to ensure full transparency on how and where the data are saved
and used ? - How to approach the diversity within the port sector in order to
cater for all the different organisations and needs of the port sector? |
Michael Dooms, Program Director, Unit Management and Strategy, Vrije
Universiteit Brussel |
4 |
Ecoports: In this session you will learn and exchange ideas on how to start to
become a "green port"? How to join the EcoPorts network and how to
use the EcoPorts tools? How aggregated
data on environmental performance are communicated? |
Chris F. Wooldridge, Science Coordinator Ecoports |
5 |
Passenger/cruise: This roundtable will allow participants to
reflect on best practices for upcoming cruise ports: what makes you - or can
make you - an attractive cruise port? |
Hietanen, Chairman of ESPO’s Passenger Committee |
6 |
Implementation of the Directive on the award of concession: Benefiting
the sector or adding red tape? Which are the challenges, benefits and weaknesses of the new rules for
the port sector? What is the impact of the directive on the different port contracts? Land lease or concession? Is the scope of the Directive clear enough? |
Fontanet, Senior Advisor, ESPO |
7 |
Developing a research agenda for ports. This session will address the research and innovation topics of
strategic importance to the European port sector. - Main challenges for ports in the next decade(s)in 2020-2030 horizon?
How to finance research projects? Where are funds available? - What about Co-operation between research institutes/universities,
port sector, third parties? - Who should take further actions? |
Oldakowski, Secretary General, Baltic Ports Organization |
8 |
Sustainable port design and construction solutions. This
session will address the benefits of incorporating the "Working with
nature" philosophy in (selected) port design and construction projects.
How to achieve long term high quality via best economic price? |
Paul Scherrer, Deputy General
Manager in charge of Port Development and Planning, Port of Le Havre |
9 |
Green power in ports. The directive on the deployment of
alternative fuels infrastructure is expected to set requirements to ports for
the provision of LNG refuelling points and shore side electricity. What
should ports consider in defining their strategies for cleaner operation of
ships in the port area? How to choose and implement the most appropriate
solution? |
Rudeberg, Chairman of ESPO’s Sustainable Development Committee |
10 |
Implementing the sulphur directive. Six months before the
entering into force of the new sulphur rules in SECAs: are we ready? Have we
overcome the challenges? What can be reported out of the European Sustainable
Shipping Forum? |
Michail, Senior Advisor, ESPO |
17h00 Closing keynote speech
Yves Leterme, Deputy Secretary-General, OECD (Belgian Prime Minister 2008-2011): Economic outlook for Europe and impact on ports
17h30 End of the first conference day
18h45 Departure for conference dinner in Långedrags Värdshus, facing the archipelago and the entrance of the port
Day Two: Friday, 16 May 2014
08h30 Welcome coffee
09h00 Role of Ports, Transport and Transport Policy in Keeping Industry in Europe
Moderator: Jean-Louis Vandevoorde, Journalist, Flows
Knut Hansen, Senior Vice President, Stora Enso Logistics: what determines Stora Enso's logistic strategy? Which role ports can play in enhancing logistic performance?
Paul Kyprianou, External relations Manager, Grimaldi Goup
Per Bondemark, Chairman of the Swedish Shippers' Council: can transport policy lead to a relocation of the industry?
Luc T'Joen, Principal Auditor, European Court of Auditors, Transport and Energy - Performance Audit : are EU funding schemes for transport freight services and infrastructure effective for ports?
The view of the ports :
Joachim Coens, President-CEO, Port of Zeebrugge
Santiago Garcia-Mila, Deputy General Manager Strategy and Business, Port Authority of Barcelona and Chairman, ESPO
Hervé Martel, President, Haropa
Johan Röstin, CEO, Copenhagen Malmö Port
Q & A
10h30 Coffee break
10h45 The Role of Policy in Enhancing the Level Playing Field between European Ports
Chairman: David Whitehead, Director, British Ports Association
The Commission's perspective:
Dimitrios Theologitis, European Commission, DG MOVE, Head of the Ports Policy Unit
Joachim Luecking, European Commission, DG Competition, Head of Unit, State Aids: industrial restructuring
Thomas Verheye, European Commission, DG Environment, Head of Unit Air & Industrial Emissions
The view of the Parliament:
Knut Fleckenstein, MEP and Rapporteur for the Ports Policy Regulation
The view of the ports:
Victor Schoenmakers, Director European & International Affairs, Port of Rotterdam Authority
Stavros Hatzakos, General Manager, Piraeus Port Authority
Eamonn O’Reilly, Chief Executive, Dublin Port Company
12h15 Presentation of ESPO's Memorandum for the European Elections
Isabelle Ryckbost, Secretary General, ESPO
12h30 Closing of the ESPO 2014 Conference
Santiago Garcia-Mila, Chairman, ESPO
Stavros Hatzakos, General Manager, Piraeus Port Authority, Host of the ESPO 2015 Conference
12h45 Departure for Port Visit and lunch
15h45 End of the visit
16h00 Arrival at Clarion Post Hotel