TRAN Discusses EIA, EMSA Funding and Transport-Technology Strategy

18 June 2013

On 18 June, the Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) of the European Parliament adopted the opinion to the ENVI Committee concerning the revision of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive.

The adopted opinion focuses on the cross-border nature of projects requiring closer cooperation between Member States and a stronger involvement of EU civil society. Moreover, TRAN amendments also call for assessing the impact of projects on tourism and on local economies, and allow for projects aimed at protecting historical and cultural heritage to be exempted from the Directive. The vote in ENVI Committee is scheduled for 10 July whereas the vote in plenary on the revision of EIA directive is scheduled for October 2013.

On the same day, the TRAN Committee also adopted the draft report on “Promoting a European transport-technology strategy for Europe's future sustainable mobility”. This report sets out to address the recent Commission Communication on the same issue.

The report, prepared by Michael Cramer (Greens EFA/ Germany), addresses challenges that lie ahead in terms of better aligning research and innovation (R&I) to transport policy. The TRAN Committee recognised the importance of realising a better management of transport flows and logistic chains by developing an innovative transport-technology strategy. New technologies should focus on multimodality, passenger comfort and real-time information, whilst respecting fundamental principles as technology neutrality, complementarity, accountability and transparency. The vote in EP plenary is foreseen for October 2013.

Finally, Rapporteur Keith Taylor (Greens EFA /UK) presented the draft report on the Regulation concerning the multiannual funding 2014-2020 of the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA). The Regulation proposes a financial contribution of €160.5 million to the budget of the Agency for the implementation of its tasks in the field of responding to pollution caused by ships and offshore oil and gas installations. The draft report suggests increased funding of €25 million over seven years in order to ensure a proper level of funding for EMSA so that it is not only able to keep up its current level of activities, but also take on the new responsibilities recently assigned to it. The deadline for amendments is 27 June 2013 whereas the vote in TRAN Committee is scheduled on 17 September 2013.

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