Nest boxes for birds and bats at the Port of Le Havre (HAROPA)
06 May 2021
HAROPA – Port of Le Havre, together with the company Paysages de l’Estuaire, has installed nest boxes near the buildings and green spaces of the port area to help the animals looking for a nesting place. The 20 nest boxes that have been installed (10 for swallows and 10 for bats) have different shapes and sizes to accommodate a wide diversity of animals. In addition, the Port plans to make use of dead trees, which birds and bats can also use to nest and where a great number of insects, which are the food source of other species, live. With this initiative, HAROPA – Port of Le Have takes a big step towards protecting biodiversity around the port. More of these next boxes will be installed in the coming years, in line with the Port’s engagement and plan of actions towards biodiversity.
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