Pilot project for the repositioning of rocky blocks with specimens of Patella ferruginea present in the breakwater of the port of Tarifa
01 March 2022
The Port of Tarifa breakwater restoration project aims to maintain the port infrastructure and the integrity of the Port of Tarifa itself. The presence of specimens of P. ferruginea (species protected as it is in danger of extinction) in this dock depends on its own integrity, so its restoration is necessary not only to meet the first goal mentioned but also to guarantee the survival of the population of P. ferruginea.
The pilot project basically consists of the repositioning of the blocks that present specimens of P. ferruginea on previously restored areas of the breakwater. The works will be carried out in different sections. The new reception areas must have the same environmental conditions as the original areas (height of the specimens, orientation, inclination, etc.).
In this sense, the project has as its object not only the transfer of specimens in order to conserve the species, but also the promotion of scientific research in this field that will contribute to the improvement of knowledge and, in this case, will allow the transfer of specimens for reasons of critical need for the execution of emergency port works (e.g. deterioration of breakwaters that must inevitably be rebuilt) and the reintroduction of the species in places where repopulation actions should be implemented.
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