Plastics Reduction Campaign of the Port of Algeciras
06 May 2021
In 2021 will enter into force the new EU rules relating to ban on certain single-use plastics. Furthermore, the Action Plan for implementation of the 2030 Agenda towards a Spanish Strategy for Sustainable Development proposes to "significantly reduce marine pollution of all kinds." The Port Authority of Algeciras has responded to these regulations with a number of actions:
Installation of water jets in offices, and of glass jugs in meeting rooms instead of plastic single-use bottles;
- Distribution of reusable bottles among workers to avoid the generation of waste from plastic bottles and cups;
- Substitution of plastic cups for cellulose cups in buildings with pumps;
- Placement of 80-liter containers for the deposit of single-use plastic containers use, and its collection in all buildings managed by the Port Authority;
- Installation of a “Comeplastic Whale” as a container for collecting plastics in the Port of Tarifa in collaboration with the City of Tarifa;
- Extension of this policy to the specifications of contracts and concessions, inviting the Port’s main dealers, companies and organisations related to the environment port (as well as other public and local administrations) to adhere to the policy.
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