ESPO Conference 2022: not registered yet? Five good reasons to join us in Valencia on 2-3 June
13 May 2022
On 2 and 3 June, the European Sea Ports Organisation is holding its Annual Conference in Valencia. For those who are still hesitating about joining this annual highlight of the European port industry, here are five good reasons to join us for this special event:
1° The theme: Empowering Europe’s ports: Europe’s ports are no longer operating in a societal, commercial, and geopolitical safe and stable environment as we have known during the last decades. The global health crisis we went through over the last two years and the Russian invasion in Ukraine we are experiencing at the moment require ports to be agile and resilient at all times. At the same time, challenged by the upcoming multipolar world, Europe is trying to achieve strategic autonomy, thereby safeguarding a stable trade and economic environment and ensuring the security of supply of critical raw materials and goods. With realities changing overnight, it becomes increasingly difficult to make long-term investment plans and strategies. This disruptive societal, commercial, and geopolitical environment comes also at a time where ports are setting course to realise Europe’s ambition and prepare for a carbon-neutral and digitally smart future. The 2022 Conference will be the place to tackle all these issues and brainstorm together on the way forward.
2° An impressive line-up of top speakers and experts: (by alphabetical order): Yann ALIX, Richard BALLANTYNE, José Ramón BAUZÁ DÍAZ Steven BOUCKAERT, Johan Byskov SVENDSEN, David CRIEKEMANS, Zeno D'AGOSTINO, Juan Manuel DIAZ OREJAS, David DIERKER, Jacob GUNTER, Rob HEIRBAUT, Robert HOWE, Dorota JILLI, Gerardo LANDALUCE CALLEJA, Algis LATAKAS, Wilfried LEMMENS, Annaleena MÄKILÄ, Lieselot MARINUS, Aurelio MARTINEZ, Jonas MENDES CONSTANTE, Daniel MES, Anna MIHNEVA-NATOVA, Edvard MOLITOR, Caroline NAGTEGAAL, Michiel NIJBOER, Rasmus Nikolaj Due SKOV, Eamonn O'REILLY, Koen OVERTOOM, Tim POWER, Inma RODRÍGUEZ-PIÑERO, Isabelle RYCKBOST, Daan SCHALCK, Victor SCHOENMAKERS, Paolo Emilio SIGNORINI, Anne-Rieke STUHLMANN, Christianne VAN DIJK, Nico VAN DOOREN, Marc VANHEUKELEN, Jörgen WARBORN, and Ansis ZELTINŠ.
3° The venue: The ESPO Conference 2022 takes place at the Príncipe Felipe Science Museum (Auditorio Santiago Grisolía), located in the heart of the City of Arts and Sciences (Ciutat de les Arts i les Ciències), a unique complex dedicated to science and culture running on almost two kilometres in the city centre of Valencia. The Conference Dinner also takes place in the City of Arts and Sciences at the Hemisfèric, a beautiful setting and a landmark of Valencia.
4° Plenty of opportunity to network and “break out”: After more than two years, there is a strong need to catch up among port professionals and friends. A breakout session at the end of day one, as well as the usual conference dinner on 2 June will give participants more than enough time to catch up.
5° The host: the Port of Valencia is the host of this 18th edition of the ESPO Conference. It is really all hands at deck in the Port of Valencia to welcome you in sunny Valencia and make this 18th edition an unforgettable event. You do not want to miss this!
The programme and all practical information are available on the conference website.
BOOK NOW before you regret it later!
If you encounter difficulties with your registrations or have any practical questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
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