ESPO Conference 2022 – Valencia, 2 & 3 June: let’s break out!

18 May 2022

On 2 and 3 June, the European Port community is gathering in Valencia for the 18th edition of the annual conference of the European Sea Ports Organisation. As usual, the Conference will feature an impressive lineup of key speakers and experts, but on top of that the Conference aims to bring the port community and its stakeholders together and maximise the opportunities for discussion and networking.

After more than two years, there is a strong need to catch up among port professionals and friends. To enhance the networking and informal exchanges, participants to this year’s Conference will literally break out at the end of the first conference day.

Participants will have the opportunity to join one of the six breakout discussions, which will take place either in the Conference venue or outside in the magnificent park surrounding the Conference venue.

The first breakout, led by Valter Selén, senior advisor at ESPO, will discuss onshore power supply, do’s and don’ts, and how to make it work for your port.

The second breakout will allow participants to get in touch and learn all about the two ambitious Horizon 2020 Green Deal winning “Green Port” projects - MAGPIE and PIONEERS, which aim at developing a masterplan for developing Europe’s ports in line with the EU Green Deal ambitions. Inge De Wolf, project coordinator - PIONEERS and Arne-Jan Polman, project coordinator - MAGPIE will accompany you on this journey.

The making of the new TEN-T guidelines and the experience of ports with the current TEN-T policy will be the focus of the third breakout session, which will be led by Anne Stuhlmann, senior advisor at ESPO. Prof Kurt Bodewig, TEN-T coordinator for the Motorways of the Sea and Siamak Jalali, Adviser of the European Coordinator will be joining these discussions.

The fourth breakout session, which will be ably steered by Prof. Dr. Elvira Haezendonck, Full Professor at the University of Brussels (VUB), will discuss circular economy. What are the necessary conditions for ports to play their role as drivers of a circular and low-carbon economy? How do you engage your existing, anchored players and build networks with them?

Valeria Mangiarotti, Board Member, Medcruise and Antonio Revedin, Chair of ESPO’s Cruise and Ferry Port Network will gather all participants interested in cruise business to discuss the latest developments, challenges of recovery, and strategies for a sustainable future of the sector.

Last but not least, the sixth breakout group will build further on the key note address of Dr. David Criekemans about the energy transition in an age of fundamental geopolitical change and will look into the Role of ports in ensuring energy security in Europe in lines with the REPOWER Europe strategy. Participants eager to join these talks need to follow Laurens Schautteet, Senior Advisor at ESPO.

It is clear that we have breakout sessions for all tastes. Participants of the Conference can choose which breakout group they want to join at the Conference. Therefore, no pre-registration is needed.

Not registered yet for this annual highlight of the European port industry?

Just BOOK NOW before you regret it later!

The programme and all practical information are available on the conference website

If you encounter difficulties with your registrations or have any practical questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

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