Press Release

ESPO gives support to Pan-European Dialogue on Cruise

09 March 2015

The Pan-European Dialogue was launched by the European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Karmenu Vella, at a conference in Brussels on 5 and 6 March, which brought together over 300 representatives from the costal tourism sector, port authorities and cruise operators.

The idea for a Pan-European Dialogue originally was put forward by the Commission in its communication “European Strategy for more Growth and Jobs in Coastal and Marine Tourism” in 2014, which aims to deal with specific stakeholder views. The communication states the Commission’s intention to close gaps in tourism data availability, develop a costal and maritime focus in EU tourism initiatives and develop transnational partnerships as well as the creation of the Pan-European Dialogue.

ESPO offers its supports to the conclusions drawn up by the Commission at the outcome of the conference.

“ Last September ESPO concluded an agreement with different regional cruise port organisations in view of better outlining the concerns and challenges of the port authorities active in the cruise business and thus strengthening the voice of the cruise port authorities towards the EU institutions and policy makers,” said ESPO’s Secretary General, Isabelle Ryckbost .   “The pan-European dialogue, and the idea of a co-operation platform bringing together the different interests of the sector, is a second important step towards developing a strong and sustainable cruise industry in Europe.”

During the conference, ESPO also announced its ‘six-pack’ of key challenges for European Cruise Ports  that it will seek to develop into a set of good practices for the sector.

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