Western Balkans Summit: Declaration on the extension of TEN-T
28 August 2015
At the Western Balkans Summit, which took place in Vienna on 27 August 2015, six Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia) signed a common Declaration with High Representatives of the EU institutions and Member States.
All participants particularly welcomed the substantial progress achieved in terms of Transport Connectivity, notably the agreement by the Western Balkan six Prime Ministers in Brussels in April on the regional core transport network corridors, and the further agreement (in Riga in June at the TEN-T days) on the core network corridors, projects to be implemented by 2020 and the appointment of corridor coordinators. This will enhance the connectivity between the Western Balkans countries as well as with the EU network.
The Western Balkan countries recognised the importance of an efficient project implementation in cooperation with the concerned lead International Financial Institution. This is required in order to make full use of the approximately EUR 1 billion from the IPA II program available as potential co-financing for key connectivity related investments over the 2015-2020 period. The Western Balkan countries have agreed on the list of six transport infrastructure investment projects reflecting core priorities and the necessary maturity for imminent implementation which will be proposed for inclusion in the IPA 2015 multi-country program. They include an intermodal terminal, two bridges and three railway projects. Finally, the Western Balkan countries have agreed to a priority list of 'soft measures’ in transport.
The full declaration can be found here http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/pdf/policy-highlights/regional-cooperation/20150828_chairmans_conclusions_western_balkans_summit.pdf
The lists of the indicative extension of TEN-T to the Western Balkans can be found here: http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/pdf/policy-highlights/regional-cooperation/20150828_vienna_info_pack.pdf
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